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 Our Past Clients

Welcome to the website of WLK Services, here you will be able to find all information about our company including our services and contact details. We hope to work with you soon!

About Us

WLK Services was established in 2020. The company was originally run by Wade and was a one man business.

Wade has been doing construction and maintenance for over 25 years and has experience in the hospitality industry by being maintenance managers of two very popular hotels in the Western Cape. Wade chose to leave the hospitality industry to focus on starting up his own business which is what WLK Services is today!

Currently the WLK team has expanded and includes Wade’s apprentice, Graeme, as well as Wade’s daughter, Kayla, who runs social media and administrative sectors of the business. 

WLK Services greatly appreciates all of the support from their loyal and trusting clients to get to where the company has gotten today.


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